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Ocean Studies Senior Research

Designed especially for students in OS400.

This guide is designed specifically for students conducting senior research in Ocean Studies. The guide has two major sections:

  1. The “Finding a topic” section includes resources that will help you explore possible topics and suggestions for ways to identify and narrow your interests.
  2. The “Exploring the Literature” section is by far the largest, containing discussion of techniques for identifying and locating resources, as well as suggestions for useful resources organized by subject, by method, and by commonly studied marine species.

If you already have your topic, you should go straight to a relevant page of the Exploring the Literature section. You will likely want to consult more than one of the subject/method pages. If you are doing a lab experiment with lobsters, for example, you will find relevant resources under By Subject: Fisheries and Aquaculture, By Method: Experimental/Lab and By Species/Taxa: American lobster.